Weather on the island currently consists of lower humidity levels and evenings that are slightly cooler, but is overall the days are pleasant and warm.
Typical temperatures sit between 78°F / 25°C and 88°F / 31°C range.
Currently there is no extreme weather happening on the island.
Space-time distortions. Shadow Pokémon. Political turmoil.
As the Raizun region faces unprecedented threats, its people are lining up to carve their names into history.
Capture extinct Pokémon in Time Pockets, assist or sabotage researchers in the race to purify lethal Shadow Pokémon, create a name for yourself via contests and the Gym Challenge, or sit back and relax with a martini while the world falls apart.
*18+ community *Short app, custom templates welcome *Non-linear gyms *Character-led site-wide plots *Statless *Start with up to six Pokémon; most monsters are available as starters